See also: ais-ethics-open-groups | ais-ethics-orgs | ais-ethics-standards
Curated list of organizations related to Ethics of
Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS). AI Ethics, Algorithmic Bias,
Ethics of Automation, Existential Risks, Friendly Artificial Intelligence,
Future of Work, Human Rights, Information Ethics, Machine Ethics, Philosophy
of AI, Privacy, Roboethics, Robot Rights…
Organizations are listed according to their headquarters, even if they operate worldwide. The same organization may appear more than once if there is a large enough branch on a different continent. The Field/Focus It may contain extra terms , but in general, the term “artificial intelligence” and “ethics” will not be displayed since all mentioned here must work with both at some level.
Country | City | Formation | Field/Focus | Name |
South Africa | 2007 | Information ethics | African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics African Network for Information Ethics (ANIE) |
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
Country | City | Formation | Field/Focus | Name |
China | Beijing | 2007 (?) | Tencent Research Institute review-lang Original: 腾讯研究院 review-lang Extra: Wikipedia |
Japan | Shinjuku, Tokyo | 1986 | Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) Original: 人工知能学会 review-lang Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Wikipedia |
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
Country | City | Formation | Field/Focus | Name |
Netherlands | Eindhoven | 2007 | 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology (4TU.Ethics) Extra: Twitter; Facebook; Wikipedia |
England | Cambridge | 2012 | Existential risks | Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Wikipedia; Youtube |
Italy | Artificial Intelligence task force (AI-Gov) Extra: Facebook l-gen; Twitter l-gen; |
Netherlands | The Hague | 2015-12-07 | Roboethics | Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR) Extra: Twitter; Wikipedia |
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
Country | City | Formation | Field/Focus | Name |
USA | New York, NY | 2017-11-15 | Social Implications | AI Now Institute at NYU (AI Now) Extra: Medium; Twitter; Youtube; Wikipedia |
USA | Palo Alto, CA | 1979 | Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Wikipedia |
USA | Berkeley, CA | 2000 | Friendly Artificial Intelligence | Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Wikipedia |
USA | San Francisco, CA | 2015-12-11 | Friendly Artificial Intelligence | OpenAI Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Wikipedia |
USA | San Francisco, CA | 2016-09-28 | Partnership on AI Extra: Facebook; Twitter; Wikipedia |
USA | Princeton, NJ | Political Theory | Princeton University Dialogues on AI and Ethics Extra: Wikipedia |
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
Do you have suggestions to add? See how to contribute.
This area explain some strategies to find other A/IS Ethics organizations. But keep in mind that:
Artificial intelligence associations have a great chance of either themselves or some of their extensions be also one A/IS Ethics organization.
Computer science organizations sometimes have a chance of either themselves or some of their extensions be also one A/IS Ethics organization.
Ethics organizations sometimes have a chance of either themselves or some of their extensions be also one A/IS Ethics organization.
The adress used is headquarters of the organization. The same organization may appear more than once if there is a large enough branch on a different continent. Suggestions of missing extra branches are welcome!.
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Yes, the public domain license allow this, even without asking first if you can do or not. If is a improvement to this main list, see Contributions.
Ways to contribute with suggestions, critics, etc:
One help need here is to discover organizations in regions of the world with much less listed options.
To the extent possible under law, Emerson Rocha has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to Public Domain.